Influencer on social media? A complete guide

Here are the numbers on how much is enough to become a profiting influencer on social media nowadays. here's a guide on how to start!

Lickd is the one who tested the issue of becoming an Influencer on social media and the numbers we need to strive to become an influencer. The company’s analysis took the idea of a full-time job as a yearly income of $57,000. For the research data was collected from TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube. If you are still dreaming to become an Influencer on social media, here are the numbers you need to strive to.

Becoming an Influencer on social media becomes more popular

Many dreams to give up their regular daily job. 9-5 doesn’t sound like a big temptation however life as an entrepreneur doesn’t fit everybody. One of the most growing and developing fields today is the influencers field, Even marketers understand today that Influencer on social media with a lot of followers can make a difference not less than any designed or planned commercial. So if you have the idea of becoming an influencer let’s see what the numbers have to say about that?

What is the data you need to strive for to be able to make an approximate yearly income of around $50K:

To make an actual salary from TikTok, you are going to have to get an exposure of 121M views in one year, If TikTok is not your top priority and you feel like youtube is the platform for you you will need 10.5M views in one year. Another option is making 126 sponsored posts on Instagram.

What is the data you need to strive for to be able to make an approximate yearly income of around $80K:

To make yourself an $80K yearly income from the different platforms, you will have to get over 164M views on TikTok in one year, another option is to get 14.5M views or making 187 sponsored posts on Instagram. The numbers we are talking about are just the income without calculating any costs for creating your unique content.

How about smaller scales of profit?

Not all marketers on social media or youtube get revenue. To start making money from youtube, you will need at least 1,000 subscribers. Creators can make $5.5 on every 1,000 views if having the necessary subscriber amount.

To make money from Instagram you will need 5,000 followers. On average a sponsored post can make a revenue of $460 from this amount of followers. When the number of followers grows, the revenue grows as well, and Influencer on social media with many followers reaching 6 figures can even make $5,000 per post.

Compared to all those, to make money on TikTok, you will need constant activity. The Influencer on social media needs 10K views in a month to enjoy an affiliate program. The revenue is around 2-3 cents on every 1,000 views.

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