4 Reasons why you should be careful of selling PLR products

PLR products are very common online, and are cheap and easy to use as your own. But why should you stay away from them and what to avoid.

PLR (private label rights) are commonly sold online in an abundance of categories. With PLR content the licensed rights, and resale value are almost always sold. You can buy already made content and sell it as your own. 

Writing content from scratch can be tiring and time-consuming. So PLR content online can be very tempting for online marketers. People use it as filler content when they don’t write content from scratch.

With all of that in mind, there are a few dangers in PLR content, we have listed a couple of reasons why you be careful using this content on your site.


There is almost no plagiarism-free content out there for you to purchase. Unfortunately, most of the PLR products are modified content, that is sold with a different label.

So if you infringe the rights to its license, and it’s listed on your site with your name, you could receive a few letters and legal threats. 

Multiple copies

Mostly all of the content sites, sell the same content to multiple people. Some sites limit the amount you can purchase, but even then there are dozens of copies online.

Let’s say someone buys a copy of an ebook on your site for 10$, and then he finds the copy on another site for 5$ or free. Google can flag your site for duplicate content, or people can blame you for being a plagiarist.  

Condition of  PLR products

A lot of content on the internet has a poor quality of content. Some sites sell the products in packs, which eliminates the passability of you examining the content before you purchase. 

So if you see a deal that seems like a bargain, it’s probably low-quality content. 

Utilize PLR content

so before you purchase PLR content online, you should keep in mind a few things.

Check for plagiarism –  you can check how much the content you purchased has been used, this could give you an idea of how to sell it. With platforms such as Plugium or Copyscape, you can do just that. 

Inspire yourself –  if you want good content plagiarism-free, you can buy PLR content for ideas. PLR content can be cheap and very beneficial if u use it correctly. Use it for ideas and it might inspire you to create quality content. 

This can help mitigate the drawbacks of using PLR content, just use it to your advantage.

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