SEO article as a passive income. Website promotion guide

What is the proper SEO article length and how the niche is related? This is essential to know to anyone who is writing content online.

This website promotion article was written in the inspiration from Neil Patel’s blog. The biggest SEO specialist in the world (IMO anyway) Neil dug deep and researched for us what is the ideal length for an SEO article to reach the first search results in google and once and for all provided the most accurate answer to that question. And what’s the best niche is.

“The first thing that is at most importance way beyond the length of the article and the amount of words is the quality of the article, even an article with 10,000 words and no quality of content”

5 tips to write the best SEO article by Neil Patel

Neil says he has been working with clients his entire career. Every time he gets into a new industry he and his team make deep research to find first-class content on the industry.

The next step is to market the content and follow our data. We track engagement, rankings, CTR rates, social media shares, etc…

Now we will take all the data we gathered and learn from it what kind of content is ranked higher and also what is the ideal length for an article on the client’s niche. The next word count is based on the same research and experience.  We will explain how to write a good SEO article?

The development of an ideal SEO article through time

Not so long ago the ideal SEO article length (word count) was somewhere around 500-800 words per SEO article. A lot of times we could notice that even articles with fewer words were promoted very well in Google’s search results, take for example Seth Godin (a worldly known marketing expert and business blog owner) his blog articles were composed of an average of 200 words per article.

However, times have changed…

In a research that was conducted for the last several years about the correlation between the length of the article and the number of shares (how viral is it) to the promotion of the content in the search engines, we will find that articles that were composed of more words were promoted better than shorter ones. In research conducted the result showed us that the ideal amount of words is between 3k-10k, With that being said we mustn’t forget that the quality of content= is the website ranking. The number of shares for an article and the promotion in Google’s search engine correlates directly to the website’s niche and the length of the articles in accordance with the niche.

Let’s analyze the psychology of an SEO article reader and compare it to the length of the article as opposed to the niche

Articles just like the one I am writing at the moment on website promotion (SEO) draw to them enthusiastic readers just like yourselves that only want to learn and read more and more, however not too much, after all, marketers have a lot on their hands and also have to work…

Therefore, articles in the website promotion niche (SEO) will be promoted better at an article-length (word count) of 2k- 3k per article, soon we will touch on the subject of suitable article length per niche.

The psychology of a long content-rich SEO article

Naturally when looking at an SEO article with good quality content will provide a better user experience most of the time since you can’t make an extensive explanation in a short article.

In addition to the stated above, long articles are excellent for readers that just scan the article. Truth be told is that most readers just scan the article’s content and read 20% of the article, therefore a long article is more efficient for readers that just scroll down and read partially.

As you can see, rarely does it happen that the reader will complete the whole SEO article, instead, they can and check titles, subtitles, bullet points, and photos.

If I might add, I believe that writing a long article leaves the reader with the feeling he/she read a very professional article before checking out the website.

There is a certain feeling of satisfaction that a short article simply can’t provide.

That is the main reason why I rather make long articles since it had worked fantastically for Neil!

Here are Google’s search results for Neil Patel’s “content marketing guide”.

So the bottom line is that in the past articles of 500-800 or even 200 words would do the job, however, times have changed completely as we can learn from Google’s algorithm and the targeted audience’s needs.

SEO articles: article length niche related:

Here is the part we have all been waiting for, the guide on website promotion using proper SEO article length. This is a list of SEO article-length niche related.

Financial technology: 2,000 – 2,150 words

Financial technology or (FinTech) is a growing branch, and the world investment grew 12 times from $930M in 2008 to more than $12B in 2014.

Finance: 2,100 – 2,500 words

According to the Snap agency, the most sharable content had over 2,500 words through the year 2016.

Sales: 2,500 – 2,700 words

The sales branch has a lot of subjects in it, in research conducted the result was that in sales the most promoted articles are full of content and very elaborated.

Ecomerce: 1,500 – 1,700 words

Since now and then this has been a fundamental industry.

Whether we are talking about a giant store network or your tiny local store down the street, the field of eCommerce is moving the world’s economy.

In the field of eCommerce (Shopify stores for example) product content and videos provide a unique user experience, especially when a product’s advantages are unclear immediately.

Real-estate: 1,800 – 1,900 words

A highly competitive field, you must be at the top of your niche to stand out in this one on top of Google’s search results and provide the readers with updated and true value SEO articles (recommended daily)

Gadgets: 300 – 500 words

In this field articles mostly include visual content and most of the time sell oriented or a new product invention update.

Marketing: 2,500 – 3,000 words

As I was saying, this is an industry that has a reading crowd interested in long and enriching content, a person that decides to start a blog in this niche or website promotion (SEO) should know what they are talking about and not just reconstructed articles from over the web.

Health and sport SEO article: 2,000 – 2,150 words

Just like in marketing this is also a very competitive field with a crowd that seeks true value. Expect a very difficult competition especially since there are world-famous companies already being promoted very well with most search phrases.

Fashion: 800 – 950 words

just like gadgets, the average word count is not very high most content is visual and is sales-oriented or just a new collection notification.

Recruitment: 900 – 1,000 words

Most content made by HR companies is extremely heavy but not very long many topics can be covered with a little less than 900 – 1,000 words. With that being said, if you are looking for a unique line of business it will be more likely to write a 1,200-word article.

Food: 1,400 – 1,900 words

Here is another enormous industry. The total sales of retail services and food services in the US was $5.32T in the year 2015. That tells us there are a lot of people writing about the food industry. There is an increase in the number of food blogs as well, the restaurant scene is much bigger, when we look at the word count we need to aim at 1,400 – 1,900 words per SEO article.

Traveling and vecations: 1,500 – 1,850 words

This is a very saturated line of business especially because Booking’s affiliate program has thousands of marketers with blogs and articles, this will require you to write rich and professional content to screw yourself into that niche.

Movies: 1,500 – 1,700 words

Movie enthusiasts like reading new and interesting content about actors or new films, this is a very fun niche that you can easily screw yourself into with rich and quality content.

Pets: 1,700 – 2,500 words

The pet niche has a lot of communities and animal lovers, this is a medium level competition niche, after conducting research, besides dog breed info pages that contain less than 300 words and were promoted to Google’s first article page, the articles that did make it to Google’s first page were rich content articles.

Money online: 500 – 3,000 words

This is a very competitive line of work and a very important way to measure the promotion of this kind of website is the amount of traffic, how much it is being shared etc… An SEO article can be promoted and website home pages in this niche by using a small volume of search terms, however, the recommendation is to still hit the 3,000 words per article mark.

In conclusion…

Even though we’ve learned that the amount of content is what sets the website’s ranking it is important to remember that what ranks the website eventually is the quality of content, the amount of traffic to our website, and the length of the article niche related in according to the SEO article reader.

Make sure to write enriching and quality content for your readers and to promote it on social networks as well as organically and your success is just a matter of time.

It is enough that only one article is being promoted well for your entire website to start picking up pace.

Check out more of our content right here!

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