Metaverse – The Next Big Thing You Must Pay Attention To

One of the next biggest things on the internet that would change everything about our everyday life in the next decade. Metaverse is coming.

What Is The Metaverse? Jump With Us Into The Rabbit Hole!


Seemingly Metaverse gonna take us by storm in the new Virtual world full of surprises. Recently Mark Zuckerberg announced that he’s gonna shift his focus to something new and groundbreaking, and many technological giants did the same and started to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to do the same. 

To the question of what is Metaverse, there are lots of answers, but at this moment there is no strict definition. Most definitely it will be a Virtual Reality world where you could run around and do whatever you do in your ordinary life, going to parks, playing games, shopping, selling virtual products, and even going to work. Think about not waking up and driving to work but instead “Teleporting” to your office with your avatar. 

There is even a theory about it being AR, Think of “The Happy Few” but instead of drugs you put on your AR equipment and walk around a better world that is mixed up with the virtual world. We have a long way ahead till we get the finished product. Reality like this would take a decade and maybe even more, even though many giving a hand to this advancement. The biggest question asked is, do even want this? Some of us probably yes, but to many others, it’s an opening for the conspiracy theories. 


2020 world crisis fueled the idea

In the past 2 years with the start of the pandemic, most of us stayed much more at home. Social distancing, work from home, quarantines, online shopping, and lots of loneliness who earned from this? Zoom took over the world with its easy-to-use platform and was one of the only tools to fight loneliness. In those 2 years, the amount of money that was spent online in the big markets like Amazon, Aliexpress, eBay, Etsy, and many others was the highest compared to the years before.

The same goes with the Gaming industry that had the best years money-wise, even the entertainment business took the chance and many concerts went online. To understand the proportions of revenue – Travis Scott reportedly grossed somewhere between 20 million dollars with a Fortnite concert and its nuts, because the record-grossing Astroworld tour of him got only 1.7 million dollars in gross sales it’s more than x10 the revenue without going to of the building.

The bottom line is… in the last 2 years we were living in a broken-down Metaverse. we were living the idea of metaverse but in many bit – doing everything online but in different places and all of this fueled the idea of combining this all up in one big Virtual world. 

Virtual world

Simple. The pandemic will eventually disappear and get normalized, but we will never be the same. We all got exposed to the unpredictability of our workspaces or workspaces of others. A lot of us learned we can earn a living without walking out of our doors and driving to work every morning. Many of us even found new streams of revenue selling online products, art, or even services. The point is that the world is very fast shifting to the online and in a decade probably gonna be mostly online with the metaverse… so better prepare from the start and pay attention to the rising new world.

War on control

In the last 2 decades, our life has been controlled and monitored a lot by three giants – Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. They controlled us every step – you search for colleges on google and in a matter of seconds, you would be overwhelmed by ads selling you the college that paid them the most. Now there will be a new generation of the internet, and they are the first who will try to grab control over it.

The internet was supposed to be decentralized but for the last two decades, it was controlled by four white men. One of those white men already started to project – Mark Zuckerberg changed companies name to Meta and proclaimed the Metaverse, by his words “you’re going to be able to do almost everything you can imagine in this Virtual world. He’s already hiring a big working force in the EU and pushing Cheap Vr headsets to people as a foundation for this Virtual world. Meanwhile Microsoft, Nvidia, Snap, and Tencent poured large amounts of resources into the Vision of Metaverse.

But, besides those Giants there is the Gaming industry, which already has many very successful virtual worlds. Companies like Epic, Roblox, and Unity. While Facebook is trying to get into a new market, those industries have more experience in the whole world of virtual realities as Video games at this moment are the closest thing to Meta’s vision with Digital currencies, Virtual goods, and a very tech-savvy young user base. Who will control the End-game? This answer we will get as time goes by. 

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