Campaign management Microsoft lunches for Google

The new campaign management platform allows the user to publish on several channels all in one platform. this makes life easier.

As published in a search engine journal, after a development process Microsoft lunches the Unified campaign management google. The tool will allow marketers to manage their campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc… all in one platform.

How will the unified campaign management work?

Marketers need to connect their website address to the tool, from that moment on Microsoft’s tool will assist in making a campaign by recognizing options, focusing, and creating ad-relevant content. The tool will provide keyword suggestions and marketers will be able to develop a theme.

Microsoft will provide focus on the base of topics or relevant goals for marketers, with the option to update geographic location and budget out of the tool. Microsoft will provide estimated performance indexes and will offer ads automatically so marketers can test and edit the suggested ads or create new ones.

How will the budget work

All marketing channels will take part in the same campaign so that the budget treats all the marketing platforms and Microsoft manages the dividing between channels. Marketers will be able to open campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and Google. To use this new tool users will have to register to Microsoft Ads and will not be able to operate only on Google.

To make educated decisions marketers will receive performance feedback from the tool such as how many viewed the ad clicked on it and how many purchased or called after viewing the ad.

Tracking the Unified campaign management actions

As a part of tracking the tool’s actions, marketers will get access to measures like how long the users stay on the website and the number of pages they visited after clicking on the ads. Marketers can view the leading key phrases for the keywords of Bing and Google just like the top ads.

Microsoft says that AI will manage the keywords, bids, the ads automation process, and budget management, all of which to maximize the ad’s performance. Marketers will have the option to suspend phrases and ads, however, most campaigns will be automatic.

Organic management of social media

Next to the Unified campaigns, Microsoft offers from the same tool organic management for the social media network. Using this new function marketers can manage their social posts organically. Using this tool allows its users to publish posts, save them as drafts,s and time them for a platform or several platforms. Messages coming from social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Linkedin will arrive at the same spot.

The tool will provide reports that will provide a presentation of the data with analysis on the different platforms, this will make it easier for users to check on their performance and compare different advertisements. The new tool being launched by Microsoft unifies all the campaigns and activities and allows easy access from one place.

Costs and definition of a unified campaign

The use of Microsoft’s new platform doesn’t involve payment and marketers only pay for their marketing costs. This means there is no payment for the platform or commission. Defining the campaign takes five steps:

  1. Connecting the website’s address.
  2. Information review, keyword suggestion, and setting a daily budget.
  3. Receiving relevant text messages, editing, and approving ads.
  4. Adding a picture or a video to the ad.
  5. Publishing, report review, and optimization.

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