Generating traffic on your website. best ways to get started!

Selling PLR products and content can be very time consuming. But all that hard work can go to waste if you are not generating traffic.

Many PLR buyers purchase PLR content, upload it, and hope to make an instant profit from it. But nothing is going to happen without generating traffic.

A very important part of online business is that people are buying things but they are not “physically” there. You need to keep their interest, with no traffic on the site, There is no way for PLR customers to make income from that product. So how do we get traffic? Here are a few tips.

1. Social media

If you’re looking to be generating traffic, the best place to look will be social media, where most people spend their time online. Twitter and Facebook, are great places for links and short posts to promote your business. If you have heavy imagery-based content, Instagram and Pinterest can be the right place for you. It’s not enough to just upload a product and hope for the best. You need to get out there and pull people into your site.

2. Enticing headlines

Writing material is a time-consuming job, so ensuring that this time spent doesn’t go to waste is very important. Writing an interesting headline is a way for your content to not go to waste. You must understand that even the biggest websites, writing at least 20 different headlines before they publish anything.

3. Use SEO

Optimizing your content for the best engine search results is essential for healthy and passive income. It doesn’t take a lot of your time and you benefit massively from that. Remember to implement image alt text, meta description, key phrases, and internal links.

4. Email marketing

This method is not used enough and can be a powerful way of bringing traffic to your site. You will not only generate traffic to your website, but you will also bring back your old customers. Sending a friendly reminder about a new product or service can bring people back. Any traffic is good traffic.

5. Optimize your site for all devices

Make sure that your website is friendly to all devices, and not only PC. In today’s day and age, most people are surfing the web on their mobile phones. Well, of course, they are, it’s better laying on your couch than breaking your neck and back on a chair in front of a huge screen. Always think about the customer and you will keep their interest and generating traffic will come naturally.

6. Fast and snappy website

The better and quicker the website is working, the better the customer experience. Have u ever clicked on a website, and found yourself waiting for it to load, but before it opened you already clicked off. Make sure your website is loading quickly.

7. Learn about the competition

Competition exists in every form of business. Learning about your competition can give you an idea of what content brings people in. U can use software such as BuzzSumo, to see what your competitors use to lure customers to their website. 

8. Stay active in the comment section

While you’re reading about important business stuff online, take that time to leave a comment. It’s not about spamming your link on every major platform. It’s about leaving you. footprint online. Engaging in a topic on your niche online can in some cases bring you traffic. visit blogs and sites that are part of the industry, and leave an insightful comment.

9. Analytics

With the help of Google Analytics, you can inspect pretty much everything about your website. From what’s your most popular page, to traffic data. You can see exactly when the traffic happened, to how many people are visiting your site.

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