Jobs part time online you can participate in today!
Ever wanted to work from home? there are jobs part time online to participate in and even jobs online for teens who enjoy the home settings!
Not a lot of people have got the spare time at home to take on another job, but having the opportunity to make some extra cash on the side can be huge for some people. We are going to explain what kind of jobs you can take on part-time online plus jobs for teens online.
There are companies all over the world who are recruiting people for a wide variety of jobs. They can be doing small tasks, taking surveys, testing new apps, video game testing, etc.
A list of companies that offer part-time jobs online.
| Kaplan – Operating in over 30 countries worldwide Kaplan is a company that supports students all over the world and can be the perfect job online for teens. With the sole purpose of helping a student achieve their potential, with more than 100 different jobs listed on the site, the wide variety of jobs includes:
- Music Research Specialist.
- Coffee Making and Tasting Instructor.
- Digital Painter.
- Event Strategist.
There are more than 100 different jobs listed on the site.
| Pearson – Pearson is operating in over 70 countries all over the world, and they are offering everything from part-time, freelancer, and full-time jobs working from home. Employes offer content and digital services to many companies and government bodies, it can help a young student reach their true potential.
The jobs include:
- Technical Data Analyst.
- Content Specialist.
- Game Art Tutor.
- Copywriter.
| VocoVision – VocoVision is a company that specializes in children’s therapy through video conferencing. The company requires the employee to come with education and certifications and a members board they think and provide new ideas for education and activities.
The jobs mostly include teaching and tutoring.
- Special Education Teacher.
- Teacher for the Visually Impaired.
- Speech Therapist.
- School Psychologist.
| Lionbridge – Lionbridge is a site that specializes in the translation of language and localization, operating in 26 countries the company offers the services of.
- Global Marketing.
- Machine Intelligence.
- Multilingual Websites.
- Engineering.
| Supporting Strategies – The company specializes in accounting services for small businesses, providing them with expense management, financial reporting, revenue recognition, accounts payable, etc. The service is affordable and flexible.
Jobs one can find in this company:
- Bookkeeper.
- Staff Accountant.
- Accountant.
- Director, Talent Acquisition.
| FlexProfessionals – FlexProfessianals is a company that provides flexible work for experienced people in the field such as sales, marketing, finance, etc. The company specializes in locating and recruiting talented people for businesses at a reasonable price.
- Finance Manager.
- Technical Writer.
- Data Analytics and Human Resources Consultant.
- Copywriter.
| Pitchup – Pitchuo is a website that locates camping sites, site booking, and provides camping gear. The company is located in the United Kingdom and offers its service all across Europe with more than 3000 camping sites to choose from. With Pitchup planning, a camping trip is a breeze. On their website, you can find jobs like:
- Junior Python Web Developer.
- Sales Consultant.
- Outbound Sales Executive.
- Market Manager.
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