TikTok marketing how to approach this?

TikTok the new social media is a great marketing platform. If you want to have success you'll need to take advantage of the TikTok algorithm.

Up until now when talking about social media marketing the main platforms were Instagram and Facebook, now there is a new player in town its name is TikTok. And the TikTok algorithm is what all content creators need to learn.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a video creation platform that allows short video uploading, mostly up to 15 seconds combined with filter animations, and music that allows the user to create funny and enjoyable videos. Unlike Youtube that is an infinite library of value and information, it is more light, funny and allows us to have some fun during the day.

Who is using TikTok?

Most TikTok users are younger than 30 (around 66%) when most users are females. Until several months ago most application users were from the US, India, and China, however today the application is used more globally. If we look at it from the marketer’s point of view we can see that it is a huge potential for smart and focused exposure for this audience. This has such great potential since this is a relatively new platform and it gives a great opportunity for marketers.

Hashtags and challenges

There is a “thing” on the app called “challenge” where users dare their followers to complete cool challenges. When these challenges are built cleverly, you can reach very high exposure rates and a lot of engagement so the potential is huge especially for celebrities. Participation in the challenges is a very easy technique and can be like a fire in a field of thorns.

How does TikTok’s algorithm work?

  1. Exposure is based on crowd engagement and views.
  2. The initial exposure is usually based on geographic location
  3. Using hashtags and popular music works great
  4. Videos can become viral quickly, even those you forgot about

*Everything listed in the above section is for speculation only about the TikTok algorithm.

Marketing on TikTok

If you want to market through TikTok, the application is a great option to enjoy exposure at lower rates than other platforms. The main options are commercials on the feed or branded challenges. There are more options on TikTok’s official website.

Another way to market is through influencers. The module is similar to Facebook’s and Instagram’s and working with influencers based on success or any terms of agreement you think can work. Take note that you should check the application’s policy or platform you use to make sure you are not taking a risk when you turn to those influencers.

In conclusion, TikTok is a super interesting platform that any digital marketer needs to look at. We are talking about a trend and like any trend, it has its advantages but also the disadvantages of fast growth.

Q’s & A’s on the app

How much does it cost to market on TikTok?

The marketing feature is changing and still being studied. The average marketing to the American market is at around $10 to a minimum of 600 views. With that being said, the prices may vary between markets and the type of advertisement.

Should my business market on TikTok?

If you want to increase exposure or to create conversions for the younger crowd, TikTok can be a great platform to do that, however, in certain cases marketing on TikTok can be pricier than on Facebook or Instagram and you should make a serious price comparison.

How many users are on the app?

Today there are 1.1B users on TikTok around the world.

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